JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5  ($350)
to Jul 26

JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)

Our program offers a comprehensive approach to sports and fitness education, focusing not only on skill development but also fosters teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love for physical activity. With our experienced coaches and carefully designed curriculum, we aim to provide a supportive and engaging environment where children can thrive and grow both athletically and personally.

Classes are structured around an introduction to sports, fitness, and gross motor skills, while we utilize music and sport specific equipment. 

Sports and activities may include: Lacrosse, T-Ball, Football, Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, various Paddle Sports, and many other exciting summer activities. Our unique summer program for kids ages 3-5 utilizes our coaching staff with a mission to bring positive energy to each child and to make movement fun!

Throughout the week, our program will incorporate diverse activities such as nature walks, arts and crafts sessions, and confidence-boosting sports that enhance motor skills and teamwork.

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JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)
to Aug 2

JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)

Our program offers a comprehensive approach to sports and fitness education, focusing not only on skill development but also fosters teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love for physical activity. With our experienced coaches and carefully designed curriculum, we aim to provide a supportive and engaging environment where children can thrive and grow both athletically and personally.

Classes are structured around an introduction to sports, fitness, and gross motor skills, while we utilize music and sport specific equipment. 

Sports and activities may include: Lacrosse, T-Ball, Football, Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, various Paddle Sports, and many other exciting summer activities. Our unique summer program for kids ages 3-5 utilizes our coaching staff with a mission to bring positive energy to each child and to make movement fun!

Throughout the week, our program will incorporate diverse activities such as nature walks, arts and crafts sessions, and confidence-boosting sports that enhance motor skills and teamwork.

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JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)
to Aug 9

JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)

Our program offers a comprehensive approach to sports and fitness education, focusing not only on skill development but also fosters teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love for physical activity. With our experienced coaches and carefully designed curriculum, we aim to provide a supportive and engaging environment where children can thrive and grow both athletically and personally.

Classes are structured around an introduction to sports, fitness, and gross motor skills, while we utilize music and sport specific equipment. 

Sports and activities may include: Lacrosse, T-Ball, Football, Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, various Paddle Sports, and many other exciting summer activities. Our unique summer program for kids ages 3-5 utilizes our coaching staff with a mission to bring positive energy to each child and to make movement fun!

Throughout the week, our program will incorporate diverse activities such as nature walks, arts and crafts sessions, and confidence-boosting sports that enhance motor skills and teamwork.

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JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)
to Aug 16

JumpBunch Kids Ages 3-5 ($350)

Our program offers a comprehensive approach to sports and fitness education, focusing not only on skill development but also fosters teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love for physical activity. With our experienced coaches and carefully designed curriculum, we aim to provide a supportive and engaging environment where children can thrive and grow both athletically and personally.

Classes are structured around an introduction to sports, fitness, and gross motor skills, while we utilize music and sport specific equipment. 

Sports and activities may include: Lacrosse, T-Ball, Football, Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, various Paddle Sports, and many other exciting summer activities. Our unique summer program for kids ages 3-5 utilizes our coaching staff with a mission to bring positive energy to each child and to make movement fun!

Throughout the week, our program will incorporate diverse activities such as nature walks, arts and crafts sessions, and confidence-boosting sports that enhance motor skills and teamwork.

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