Health Coaching:

You’re unique, so your fitness and nutrition should be too. This program has an enhanced focus on coaching, accountability, and biochemistry to fit your busy life. Your blood, DNA, and lifestyle habits are a goldmine of data and together they tell you what’s going right, and where you can improve.

Health is more than just following a program for short term improvement. When it comes to understanding what is going on inside your body, blood and DNA are a powerful combination of data that changes over time due to many variables ranging from your environment, dietary choices, sleep, and stress levels. When analyzed together, we can your help steer personalized guidance, generated by our partnership with InsideTracker and provide a major advantage in helping you reach your overall wellness goals. 

We get results virtually or in-person that begins with an extensive onboarding process that include goal setting, movement competency testing, medical history, and the following curriculum for sustained success:

  • Custom Fitness & Nutrition Program to fit your lifestyle and schedule.

  • Access to our private fitness studio

  • Bi-weekly 1 hour coaching calls to track progress and accountability.

  • Optional daily check-ins via text, call, or email.

  • Identify factors that have been holding you back.

  • Regular and consistent tracking, feedback, and coaching check-ins.

  • Weekly plan adjustments based on how you’re responding.

  • Analysis of your blood, DNA, lifestyle, and your nutrition habits.

  • Solutions that are simple, clear, and actionable.

At Trilogy Health we will develop a custom Fitness and Nutrition to help you keep your goals, but more importantly we’ll develop tools and better habits for sustained change long after our time together is complete. You’re here because you’ve made a choice to create change in your life and we want to help you on that journey.